Vision-based line tracking and navigation in structured environments
T h i s p a p e r descrzbes a uiszon-based, l o w cost lznet rackzng s y s t e m sui table f o r robot o r AGV iiavrgatzon zii s t r u c t u r e d erruironmeiits Veh ic l e naoigat to i i takes a d z a n l u g e o f t h e 1 i ~ 1 ~ u l znformntion prov idpd by art i f i c ia l o r pre -e z i s t zny landnzarks, speci f ical ly lznes a n d s i p s This ziiformatzon zs e f t i c i e n t l y processed uszng special ized percvptual behavzors , zncluding neural neiworks a n d focus o f ut tentzoi i t echnzques , 102th the help o f a mu l t i t h readed rea l t ime con t ro l a rch i t ec ture A t t a z n r d syatem p e r f o r m a n c e is compat ib l e w i t h p r e s e n t reguaremenls a n d p r a c t i c e s f o r typzcal AGV applicat i o n s
منابع مشابه
Vision-Based Control of a Multi-Rotor Helicopter
Autonomous air vehicles frequently rely on GPS as a primary source of state feedback. However, relying on GPS disallows operation in enclosed spaces, under heavy vegetation or near large obstacles since GPS does not provide sufficient accuracy in these environments. Similar work in GPS-denied navigation uses laser-based odometry, structured-light or places visual markers in the environment. The...
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The current work addresses the problem of 3D model tracking in the context of monocular and stereo omnidirectional vision in order to estimate the camera pose. To this end, we track 3D objects modeled by line segments because the straight line feature is often used to model the environment. Indeed, we are interested in mobile robot navigation using omnidirectional vision in structured environme...
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متن کاملVision-based Navigation System for Autonomous Urban Transport Vehicles in Outdoor Environments
This paper describes o vision-based system for autonomous urban transport missions in outdoor environments. Vision-based speciolised tasks ore implemented for particular functionalities such as lane tracking, and navigation along intersections. High level knowledge about goals and intentions is extractedfrom an apriori map so as to schedule the global mission and to direct the behaviours of the...
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Against the range-dependent accuracy of the tracking radar measurements including range, elevation and bearing angles, a new hybrid adaptive Kalman filter is proposed to enhance the performance of the radar aided strapdown inertial navigation system (INS/Radar). This filter involves the concept of residual-based adaptive estimation and adaptive fading Kalman filter and tunes dynamically the fil...
متن کاملA Q-learning Based Continuous Tuning of Fuzzy Wall Tracking
A simple easy to implement algorithm is proposed to address wall tracking task of an autonomous robot. The robot should navigate in unknown environments, find the nearest wall, and track it solely based on locally sensed data. The proposed method benefits from coupling fuzzy logic and Q-learning to meet requirements of autonomous navigations. Fuzzy if-then rules provide a reliable decision maki...
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